Formal Qualifications
- Registered Property Valuer
- Bachelor of Business Studies (Valuation and Property Management)
Industry Experience
Ashton has been valuing since 2011 and has a wide knowledge base with experience across valuation sectors including rating valuations (roll maintenance and revaluations), financial reporting valuations, project managing national portfolio valuations, along with private market and insurance valuations. Ashton has worked on rating contracts throughout the lower and central North Island and across the Northland Region.
Areas of Expertise
- Multi-unit residential investment property valuation
- Valuations of development and block land
- Valuation of specialist property under depreciated replacement cost methodology
- Mass Appraisal Valuation techniques for revaluations
- Financial Reporting and Asset Valuations and Reporting
- Legislation, requirements and procedures for rating valuations
- Procedural and reporting for Land Valuation Tribunal