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Johan Wikman

Chief Technology Officer

headshot of Johan Wikman

Johan joined Opteon in October 2022 as Chief Technology Officer and is responsible for the company’s products and technology. Johan has over 20 years’ experience in leading high performing software engineering teams. 

Prior to joining Opteon, he spent 10 years at Appen leading the engineering team as CTO and VP of Engineering implementing technologies that evolved the company from a service to a tech led business. During his time on the executive team, the company experienced revenue growth of more than 1,400%, the engineering team grew from 3 people to over 100 and he was part of the team that took the company public in 2015.

In 2010, Johan founded Kontribune, an online publishing platform for communities to share and inspire through the power of story, which was acquired by Appen in 2012. Before that, he was founder and co-founder of multiple startups leading the development of technology teams in B to C and B to B solution. His career also includes engineering leadership roles at Autodesk, Zynga and Lithium.

Johan spent his formative years in Stockholm, Sweden before locating to the San Francisco Bay Area.
