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Vincent Graham


headshot of Vincent Graham

Areas of Expertise

Valuation of most classes of property in New South Wales specialising in commercial, industrial and large scale rural properties. Farm valuations are regularly carried out for a number of large overseas and corporate based clients.

Acquisition and Just Terms (Compensation) valuations for the Land & Property Information, Roads and Maritime Services, Local Shires Councils, NSW Forestry, Essential Energy and TransGrid. Negotiations, acquisitions, project management for statutory authorities. Purchase, lease and sale negotiations and rural feasibility assessments. Family Law and Litigation valuations for Family Law Court of Australia and the Supreme Court of Australia. Valuation of Water Entitlements. Broad rural background including being an owner-operator of a small mixed farming and grazing property near Wagga Wagga.

Industry Experience

2002 to date: Director Opteon (Southern Inland NSW)
1989 - 2002: Employee and associate with Bolton Connolly, Wagga Wagga.
1985 – 1989: Employed with the State Bank of NSW, Valuation & Rural Advisory Department, Bathurst, Parkes, Dubbo and Wagga Wagga.
1983 - 1984: Assistant Valuer with Barry L. Russ & Associates, Sydney.

Formal Qualifications

  • Associate Diploma (Farm Management) (1988).
  • Associate of the Australian Property Institute (1987).
  • Diploma of Business (Valuation) (1982).
  • Registered valuer in New South Wales No. 2384.
  • Certified Practising Valuer.
  • Consultancy for government agencies including Land Value Objections in various Southern NSW locations on behalf of NSW Land and Property Information (LPI)