Agribusiness Property Valuation and Advisory
Trusted, Independent Valuations for the Rural and Agribusiness Markets
When it comes to investing in rural or agribusiness property, receiving industry-specific and local knowledge is vital. Our local valuers have a deep understanding of land management and agricultural practices, including dryland cropping, grazing, irrigation, water licenses, and other specialised assets. We deliver accurate, high-quality valuations for your rural and the agribusiness investments by leveraging our people, technology, and processes.

Our Coverage
We have a team of more than 500 local valuers providing coverage across 98% of Australia’s postcodes. Our experts have local knowledge and backgrounds in rural and agricultural property valuations.

Our Technology
Our technology enhances the valuation process for everyone involved with customisable, automated workflows and centeralised systems to access, manage, and deliver your reports.

Our Process
We integrate innovation into every step of our process from ordering a valuation to receiving your finalized report. Our seamless valuation experience combines our valuer’s human touch and the efficiency of our technology.
Agribusiness Property Services
Our Agribusiness and Rural Property Expertise

Victoria Gracie
Senior Director - Valuer Development & Growth

Karen Bates
Head of Agribusiness & Advisory

Bret Taylor
Managing Director

Malcolm Reid

Martin Tremain

Stuart Prowse

Andrew Bray
Director - Regional Commercial & Agribusiness

Matt Morton
Director - Regional Commercial & Agribusiness

Murray Davis
Director Specialised & Advisory

Stephen Incerti
Director - Regional Commercial & Agribusiness

Vincent Graham

Thomas Dowling
Associate Director - Core Commercial

Edward Ellis
Senior Commercial and Agribusiness Property Valuer

Michael Schild
Senior Commercial and Agribusiness Property Valuer

Michael Smyth
Senior Valuer

Samuel Palmer
Senior Valuer

Scott Gibson
Senior Valuer - Specialised & Advisory

Tim Adams
Senior Valuer

Troy Pettersson
Senior Valuer

Eva Schmidt
Certified Practising Valuer

Jennifer-Lee Sinclair
Certified Practising Valuer / Advisory Specialist

Oliver Evans
Certified Practising Agribusiness Valuer

Quentin Rataj
Certified Practicing Valuer

Tadgh O'Brien
Certified Practising Valuer

Tim Pegler
Certified Practising Valuer

Wendy Walsh
Certified Practising Valuer

Victoria Gracie
Areas of Expertise
- Residential
- Advisory
- Government Services
- Tax Depreciation
- Local Consulting and Advisory
Industry Experience
Victoria is the Regional Director at Opteon and is responsible for business operations and valuationservices in relation to performance and client relationships.
Victoria oversees the daily provision of quotes,tender applications and appointing the right Valuers across the Central and North Queensland areas to deliver client outcomes.
This region encompasses Opteon’s Regional Queensland localities Maryborough, Bundaberg, Gladstone,Rockhampton, Biloela, Emerald, Mackay, Whitsundays, Townsville, Mount Isa and Cairns.
Victoria started her career in the Mackay Property Market in 2009; where she gained experience in both the residential and commercial fields of valuation.
Victoria joined the Opteon Team in October 2011. Sshe has presented at numerous local events on topical local issues including the impact of Mining on the property market.
Formal Qualifications
- Associate Member of the Australian Property Institute
- Certified Practising Valuer registration No. 3561
- Bachelor of Property

Karen Bates
Areas of Expertise
- Commercial, industrial and rural properties in the Greater Newcastle, Hunter Valley and Central Coast
- Specialised property valuations, including service stations, heritage buildings, biodiversity stewardship and conservation sites, vineyards, contaminated land and mine subsidence affected land
- Compulsory acquisition and compensation valuations under Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation)
Industry Experience
Karen is an experienced property valuer providing commercial, industrial, rural and specialist valuations across Newcastle, Hunter Valley and the Central Coast.
Karen provides high quality valuation reports for mortgage security and specialist purposes, including compulsory acquisition and compensation valuations under Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991 and valuations as an expert witness pursuant to Division 15 of
the Family Law Rules 2004.
She has developed strong working relationships with a broad range of stakeholders including local and state government, sales agents, property developers, and investors, and she is able to draw on this network to provide important insight into the property market and valuation drivers in the region.
Karen also plays a leadership role in the industry. She is currently a member of the API NSW State Committee, as well as being an API Examiner for valuer candidates, and she is a founding member of the Women in Property Valuation network.
Prior to returning to the property valuation profession, Karen spent 15 years as a regional economic development specialist working across Western Australia, South Australia and Queensland, both on the ground, and in higher level policy development, leadership and management positions.
Formal Qualifications
- Certified Practising Valuer
- Associate Member of the Australian Property Institute (API Member No. 81519)
- Master of Accounting
- Bachelor of Business in Property

Bret Taylor
Areas of Expertise
- Asset Valuations for Financial Reporting
- Central Business District – Office/Retail
- Commercial Office/Retail, Industrial
- Compensation Assessments
- Depreciation Schedules
- Lessor/Lessee’s interests
- Rental Valuations
- Residential/Prestige Residential
- Rural Land
- Rural Lifestyle/Agribusiness
- Broad acre Farming & Irrigated Land
- Sub Divisional Land
- Hotels, Motels & Caravan Parks
- Multi-Unit Development and Feasibility Studies
Industry Experience
Formal Qualifications
- Associate Member of the Australian Property Institute
- Certified Practising Valuer QLD 1404

Malcolm Reid
Areas of Expertise
- Agricultural properties.
- Valuation of pastoral and irrigated rural holdings in Southern NSW. Farm valuations are regularly carried out predominantly for three large financial institutions and a number of large overseas and corporate based clients.
- Valuation of surface and ground water entitlements throughout the Murrumbidgee Valley.
- Consultancy for government agencies including Land Value Objections in various Southern NSW locations on behalf of NSW Land and Property Information (LPI). Negotiations, acquisitions, project management for statutory authorities.
- Purchase, lease and sale negotiations and rural feasibility assessments.
- The preparation of rural based Tax Depreciation Schedules for private clients.
- Large scale valuations include the Garangula Aggregation at Harden NSW – a 9,000-hectare showpiece rural property with significant infrastructure currently owned by Romani Pastoral Company.
Industry Experience
2010-Current: Director, Opteon (Southern Inland NSW)
2005-2010: Valuer, Bolton Connolly Opteon
1996-2005:AWB Landmark – Wool buyer/broker, Southern NSW
1994-1995: Lempriere (Aust) – Wool buyer
1993-1992: Twynam Pastoral Co (Mungadal, Hay NSW)
1989-1992: Clark & Trait Pastoral Co (Barcaldine Downs, Barcaldine QLD)
Formal Qualifications
- Associate Member of the Australian Property Institute (API Member No. 70196) (2008)
- Registered Valuer in New South Wales No. 7299 (2005)
- Graduate Diploma Property Development (UTS) (2009)
- Advanced Diploma Property (Valuation) (2005)
- Certified Practising Valuer

Martin Tremain
Formal Qualifications
- Fellow of Australian Property Institute (FAPI)
- Certified Practising Valuer
- Registered Valuer NSWNo. 2362
- Registered Valuer QLD No 2057
- Member of Agriculture Institute of Australia,
- Certified Practising Agriculturist (CPAg)
- Diploma of Business (Valuation) – Hawkesbury Agriculture College
- Associate Diploma of Farm management –
- University of New England
- Professional Certificate in Plant and Machinery
- Valuation – University of Technology Sydney
Industry Experience
Martin has 36 years’ experience in the Australian property industry with significant experience across a very broad range of property types.
With a farming background and a professional education in valuation and agriculture, Martin specialises in the valuation of all categories of rural properties including: broadacre dryland and irrigated farming, mixed grazing properties, diverse range of intensive livestock properties, range of horticultural properties and agricultural processing properties including grain and fibre. The valuation of corporate scale rural holdings and portfolios is a long-term specialty service for both national and international clients.
In addition to Agriculture, significant experience in the valuation of commercial and industrial properties including specialised going concern properties.
Martin also provides valuation of Plant and Machinery and in particular Agriculture equipment and Agriculture Processing plants. Non valuation consultancy services include general agribusiness plus acquisition and divestment roles with large scale transport and logistic infrastructure projects.
Areas of Expertise
- Valuation of cotton properties across NSW and QLD
- Broadacre cropping and large-scale grazing properties
- Intensive livestock properties including cattle feedlots and poultry
- Horticulture/vineyards/wineries
- Agriculture processing and storage facilities
- Plant and equipment valuations
- Property and general agribusiness consulting
- Statutory valuation advice
- Asset valuations for financial reporting
- Compensation assessments
- Litigation matters and expert witness
- Acquisitions
- Specialised commercial, industrial and going concerns
- Non valuation consulting services including acquisition and divestment roles on state and national infrastructure projects

Stuart Prowse
Industry Experience
Stuart has more than 30 years’ experience in undertaking property valuation in Australia. With a background and professional education in Agriculture, Stuart specialises in valuations for broadacre, dryland and irrigated cropping and grazing properties, diverse horticultural enterprises as well as Agriculture Processing and Storage Facilities.
In addition to valuation of Agricultural land, Stuart has a strong background in providing advice on a broad range of Commercial and Industrial property including Going
Concern property in the hospitality sector. As a Senior Valuer, Stuart provides statutory valuation advice, this includes the provision of rating and taxing valuations, objection briefing services and parallel valuations for NSW Government.
Formal Qualifications
- Vice President NSW Division Australian Property Institute 2003-2006
- Fellow of Australian Property Institute (API Member No. 68127)
- Certified Practising Valuer
- Registered Valuer NSW No. 2702
- Registered Valuer QLD No. 1894
- Member of Australasian Association of Agriculture Consultants (CPAg.)
- Associate Diploma in Farm Management - University of New England
- Bachelor of Business (Real Property Valuation and Administration) - Queensland Agriculture College

Andrew Bray
Areas of Expertise
- Rural valuations including grazing, cropping, vineyards, horticultural property, irrigation property, feedlots, market gardens, agro forestry, grain handling and processing facilities and wind farms
- Valuations for mortgage security purposes
- Valuations for Family law purposes
- Asset valuations for financial reporting purposes
- Valuations for estate management purposes
- Valuations for property taxation, legislation and policy purposes
- Valuations for capital gains tax purposes
- Valuations for compulsory acquisition and forensic accounting purposes
- Commercial and residential property valuations
Industry Experience
Andrew has 20 years of experience as a valuer and has been employed by Opteon for 16 years. He is the Director of Agribusiness for Victoria which co-ordinates the Agribusiness Department and undertakes valuations in the western districts of Victoria. Before entering the property field Andrew worked on various rural properties throughout NSW as well as a family-owned mixed farming enterprise.
Formal Qualifications
- Associate Member of the Australian Property Institute
- Member of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors
- API Accredited Specialist Water Valuer Bachelor of Commerce (Land Economy)
- Associate Diploma in Farm Management

Matt Morton
Areas of Expertise
- Industrial Valuations
- Rental Assessments
- Insurance Valuations
- Property Advisory & Market Investment Reporting
- Residential Development Valuations & Feasibility
- Financial & Portfolio Valuations
Industry Experience
Matthew is a highly regarded, Senior Commercial Property Valuer, based in North Queensland with over 20 years’ experience in the property industry and formerly, the construction industry. He has extensive experience throughout Regional Queensland across a wide breadth of Commercial, Industrial, Residential and Government assets completing work in the private sector, mortgage lending as well as large institutional clients. He was formerly a Director of Opteon North Queensland and since the integration of Opteon businesses in 2017, has held a variety of senior leadership roles.
Today, Matthew is the Regional Director of Commercial and Agribusiness Operations for Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria overseeing our remote and regional valuation teams in these divisions and providing daily support to Opteon’s valued customers. Matthew won the National Commercial Valuer of the year award at Opteon in 2022, for his efforts in championing product automation, mentoring junior valuers and outstanding team performance.
Formal Qualifications
- Certified Practising Valuer
- Associate Member of the Australian Property Institute (API Member No. 65577)
- QLD Registered Valuer (QVRB No: 2697)
- Bachelor of Business (Property Studies) – University of Queensland

Murray Davis
Areas of Expertise
- Pastoral and Agricultural Land Valuations for mortgage security and succession planning
- Valuation of Agribusiness Facilities and Associated Infrastructure
- Compensation Assessments for Land Acquisitions and Resumptions including mining, energy and gas, general infrastructure including roads, railways and power lines, compensation for damages and change of land use.
- Rural improvements valuations for tax purposes
- Valuation for Property Taxation and Legislation
Industry Experience
Murray commenced his career as an Agricultural Economist and Farm Financial Counsellor with the Queensland Department of Primary Industries from 1999 until 2003 working in Emerald, Bundaberg and Goondiwindi. Following this Murray was employed as an Agribusiness Specialist by the Commonwealth Bank, Emerald and Biloela until 2007 when he founded Powers Agribusiness Services in Biloela and worked as a Rural Consultant until 2011. During this time, Murray was also employed by NPR Valuers and become a Registered Valuer in November 2010.
Opteon (Central and Southern QLD) Pty Ltd purchased NPR Valuers in 2011. Murray became a partner of Opteon (Central Queensland) Pty Ltd in July 2014 which has now amalgamated into Opteon. Murray was appointed as Director – Specialised & Advisory in April 2017 and oversees rural property valuations undertaken in Queensland.
Murray specialises in the Agribusiness field and grew up on a family mixed farming operation. He has run his own cattle and dryland and irrigated cropping business since 2002 with properties located on the Darling Downs and in Central Queensland.
Formal Qualifications
- Certified Practising Valuer
- Associate Member of the Australian Property Institute
- Bachelor of Business (Property Studies)
- Bachelor of Agricultural Economics

Stephen Incerti
Areas of Expertise
- Commercial/Industrial
- Strategic industrial ground lease advisory specialist
- Receivers/Mortgagee in Possession
- Family Law Court
- All types of Residential
- Government valuations
Industry Experience
Steve is based in the Perth WA office. Opteon also has regional offices in Dunsborough, Broome, Esperance and Albany (franchise office). He manages the WA regional team of valuers as well as being directly responsible in providing services to clients mainly within the Pilbara region, which he travels to regularly.
Steve has in excess of 30 years’ experience in valuation and consultancy having commenced with the Opteon integrated business in 2017. Prior to this, Steve located to Broome in 2000 and was a director and owner of the Opteon North- West business until his return to Perth in 2015. He has excellent knowledge of all types of property particularly within the North-West region which is a unique property market.
Formal Qualifications
- Certified Practising Valuer
- Associate Member of the Australian Property Institute (API Member No. 64930)
- Licensed Valuer in the State of Western Australia (Licence No. 37965)
- Bachelor of Business Valuation and Land Economy – Curtin University

Vincent Graham
Areas of Expertise
Valuation of most classes of property in New South Wales specialising in commercial, industrial and large scale rural properties. Farm valuations are regularly carried out for a number of large overseas and corporate based clients.
Acquisition and Just Terms (Compensation) valuations for the Land & Property Information, Roads and Maritime Services, Local Shires Councils, NSW Forestry, Essential Energy and TransGrid. Negotiations, acquisitions, project management for statutory authorities. Purchase, lease and sale negotiations and rural feasibility assessments. Family Law and Litigation valuations for Family Law Court of Australia and the Supreme Court of Australia. Valuation of Water Entitlements. Broad rural background including being an owner-operator of a small mixed farming and grazing property near Wagga Wagga.
Industry Experience
2002 to date: Director Opteon (Southern Inland NSW)
1989 - 2002: Employee and associate with Bolton Connolly, Wagga Wagga.
1985 – 1989: Employed with the State Bank of NSW, Valuation & Rural Advisory Department, Bathurst, Parkes, Dubbo and Wagga Wagga.
1983 - 1984: Assistant Valuer with Barry L. Russ & Associates, Sydney.
Formal Qualifications
- Associate Diploma (Farm Management) (1988).
- Associate of the Australian Property Institute (1987).
- Diploma of Business (Valuation) (1982).
- Registered valuer in New South Wales No. 2384.
- Certified Practising Valuer.
- Consultancy for government agencies including Land Value Objections in various Southern NSW locations on behalf of NSW Land and Property Information (LPI)

Thomas Dowling
Areas of Expertise
- Commercial retail, Office and Industrial Valuations
- Residential & Commercial Development Valuations
- Residential & Rural Lifestyle Valuations
- Asset Valuations for financial reporting purposes
- Valuation Risk and Compliance
- Just Terms Act Valuations
Industry Experience
Tom is considered a commercial property expert for Newcastle, Lake Macquarie, Central Coast NSW and Lower Hunter Regions for retail, office, service commercial, residential development, and industrial property valuations. Tom has been working with Opteon for nine years across multiple different departments with a broad knowledge of the entire valuation process. This includes three years’ experience as Team Leader Compliance – Australia, specialising in Valuation Compliance and later transitioning to specialization in Commercial Valuations.
Formal Qualifications
- Associate Member of the Australian Property Institute (API Member No. 84628)
- Certified Practicing Valuer
- Bachelor of Property, Central Queensland University

Edward Ellis
Areas of Expertise
- Agribusiness valuations including grazing, broadacre cropping, viticulture, horticulture and irrigation properties
- Commercial and Industrial property valuations
- Residential and Rural Residential property valuations
- Residential Development valuations
- Valuations for Family Law and property settlement purposes – court-related matters
- Valuation & Consultancy to Receivers/ Managers
Industry Experience
Edward is a Senior Certified Practicing Valuer based in Adelaide. Edward has worked with Opteon since 2008, previously based in Orange NSW before relocating to South Australia in early 2020.
Formal Qualifications
- Associate Member of the Australian Property Institute (API)
- Certified Practising Valuer (CPV)
- Bachelor of Agribusiness (Marketing) – University of New England, Armidale
- Advanced Diploma of Property Valuation Open Training Education Network (OTEN), Strathfield

Michael Schild
Areas of Expertise
- Agribusiness valuations including broad acre cropping, grazing, horticulture, vineyards, dairy farms and orchards in Regional South Australia for banks, private sector and government clients
- Valuations of Commercial and Industrial Assets in Regional South Australia for banks and local government clients
- Valuations for acquisition and disposal purposes
- Freehold and leasehold properties along the Murray River
- Valuations of Residential and rural lifestyle properties
Industry Experience
Michael has been with Opteon since December 2008 and has extensive experience in agribusiness, commercial and residential valuations throughout regional South Australia particularly in the Barossa, South east, Riverland, Yorke Peninsula, Adelaide Hills, Fleurieiu and Mid North among other areas.
Formal Qualifications
- Certified Practising Valuer
- Associate Member of the Australian Property Institute (API No. 64350)
- Bachelor of Business (Commerce and Property)

Michael Smyth
Areas of Expertise
- Residential property valuations
- Rural lifestyle properties
- Prestige properties
- Strata units
- Small-medium scale residential developments
- Family Law and expert witness
- Pre-purchase / pre-sale advice
- Asset valuations for financial reporting purposes
Industry Experience
As a valuer, Michael has been involved in a wide variety of property valuations throughout the Coffs Harbour region for mortgage security, family law, stamp duty and other purposes.
Michael regularly provides reports to major lenders for first mortgage lending purposes, solicitors for family law purposes, and accountants for taxation purposes as well as advice reports for Government Clients. Previous to his valuation career, Michael gained experience working in commercial property management and development in New Zealand and the United Kingdom.
He has held a number of Commercial Property Management roles with major banking institutions, property services providers and large corporate organisations. Michael has gained valuable experience in the commercial and retail sectors, becoming skilled in lease negotiation, project management, lease renewals, rent reviews, lease interpretation, relationship management, budget forecasting and financial analysis.
Formal Qualifications
Associate Member of the Australian Property Institute
Certified Practising Valuer
Continuing Professional Development Compliance
Bachelor of Property – University of Auckland

Samuel Palmer
Areas of Expertise
- Market Value Assessments
- Rural, Office, Industrial, Retail and Residential valuations for acquisition, disposal, stamp duty, family law, rental advice, and mortgage purposes
- Valuation work carried out on behalf of the RMS, State Property Authority, Land and Property Information, Defence Housing Australia, Housing NSW, Wagga Wagga City Council, ANZ, NAB, Westpac, St George, CBA, Property Fund Managers and private owners and developers
- Development feasibility studies
- Tax depreciation
- Rental determinations
Industry Experience
Sam has been working within property valuations since completing his degree at the University of Western Sydney in 2012. He worked throughout Sydney for 2 years valuing high end industrial property before moving back home to Wagga Wagga where he has worked across all property valuation fields throughout the Riverina and Southern NSW.
Formal Qualifications
- Associate Member of the Australian Property Institute (API Member No. 78311)
- Certified Practising Valuer
- Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) – 6905399
- Bachelor of Business & Commerce (Property)

Scott Gibson
Areas of Expertise
- Rural / Agribusiness valuations
- Rural lifestyle property valuations
- Residential property valuations
- Residential development valuations
- Commercial valuations
Industry Experience
Scott has over 12 years experience in Agribusiness valuations, and has been with Opteon Property Group since 2014. Primarily working within the agribusiness and rural team, Scott has undertaken a broad spectrum of regional valuations throughout Gippsland, the Yarra Ranges, Mornington Peninsula and Melbourne’s urban fringe. He is a Certified Practicing Valuer (CPV), and has developed a specialisation within intensive agricultural assets including poultry, horticulture, dairy, kennels and other mixed commercial infrastructure. Scott also has broad experience dealing with rural lifestyle, residential, development, commercial and industrial properties.
Formal Qualifications
- Associate Member of the Australian Property Institute
- Bachelor of Applied Science (Property and Valuations) with Honours 1st Class

Tim Adams
Areas of Expertise
- Mortgage valuations for lending institutions
- Rural Valuations including coastal grazing and sugar cane properties
- Commercial/ Industrial Valuations
- Residential Valuations
- Asset Valuations for financial reporting purposes
- Compulsory acquisition valuations
- Rental valuations
- Strata Replacement Insurance valuations
- Valuations for tax implications
- Tax Depreciation
Industry Experience
Tim Adams was Registered as a Valuer in 1991 and has worked in both private valuation practice and Government valuations services in South East Queensland and Central Queensland. He commenced work with Opteon in Mackay in 2002. Since 2006 he has been based full time in the Airlie Beach office. Tim has gained extensive valuation experience in a wide range of regional property types and markets in the Whitsunday, Mackay and Burdekin regions of Central Queensland. Work completed includes residential, rural residential, Island property, agribusiness (coastal grazing and sugar cane), commercial and industrial properties and compulsory acquisition. Tim provides reports for mortgage purposes, Government Departments, Local Authorities and Private users. Tim has completed courses in Asset Valuation for Financial Reporting and Specialist Water Valuer assessment through the A.P.I.
Formal Qualifications
- Associate Member of the Australian Property Institute
- Certified Practicing Valuer (API No. 66172)
- Registered Qld Valuer No. 1870
- Associate Diploma of Business (Real Estate Valuation) Qld University 1991

Troy Pettersson
Areas of Expertise
- Agribusiness property valuations
- Valuations for financial reporting and advisory purposes
- Valuations for mortgage security purposes
- Valuations for various litigation purposes
- Rural leasing valuations
Industry Experience
Troy commenced his career in the valuation industry in 2015, working primarily in agribusiness and commercial valuations, based in Opteon’s South West and Perth offices. Troy has been involved in valuations of numerous types of agricultural properties, including many specialised assets such as vineyards, piggeries, poultry farms, horticultural plantations as well as broad acre farms throughout the Western Australian Wheatbelt.
Commercial properties Troy has completed valuations for include industrial properties, development sites and trading properties such as caravan parks. Troy is currently based in the South West of WA, completing both agribusiness and commercial valuations throughout the state for a wide variety of clients. Troy is an associate member of the Australian Property Institute and is a registered panel valuer with many financial institutions operating within Australia. Troy is also a member of the Opteon Youth Leadership Team, a committee of Opteon employees under 30 years of age charged with leading various research and innovation projects for the business.
Formal Qualifications
- Certified Practising Valuer
- Associate Member of the Australian Property Institute (API Member No. 83807)
- Licensed Valuer in the State of Western Australia, License No. 44977
- Bachelor of Commerce, Property Development and Valuation Major – Curtin University WA

Eva Schmidt
Areas of Expertise
- Residential property valuations
- Commercial Property valuations
- Industrial Property valuations
- Rural valuations
- Valuations for mortgage security purposes
- Valuations for compulsory acquisition
- Valuations for property taxation, legislation and policy purposes
- Valuations for pre-purchase / pre-sale advice purposes
- Asset valuations for financial reporting purposes
- Rental valuations
Industry Experience
Eva has worked with Opteon for over 18 years based in the Maryborough office whilst working throughout the Wide Bay region. Eva has a broad knowledge base and works in residential, commercial, industrial and rural property valuations. Eva regularly provides reports to property portfolio owners for commercial property, including mortgage security, acquisition and disposal requirements, compulsory acquisition and rental assessment amongst others.
Formal Qualifications
- Certified Practising Valuer
- Associate Member of the Australian Property Institute (API Member No. 66563)
- QLD Registered Valuer (QVRB No. 2771)
- Bachelor of Business (Property Studies) 2003 University of Queensland

Jennifer-Lee Sinclair
Areas of Expertise
- Property Advisory
- Project Management
- Statutory Valuation Reviews (including objections & appeals)
- Concessional provisions for rates, land tax and statutory valuations
- Land Tax & Rates Reviews (including objections & appeals)
- Compensation / Acquisition Valuations
- Tax Depreciation Schedules
- Valuations
- Submissions
Industry Experience
Jennifer-Lee has worked with Opteon as a valuer since January 2010, specialising in property advisory services.
Jennifer is highly regarded in the field of statutory valuations, rates and land tax and each year undertakes reviews, objections and appeals for a large number of clients across Queensland.
Jennifer’s clients include international mining companies, primary producers, property developers and other significant landowners across Queensland particularly in North and Far North Qld.
Jennifer is a past Chair of the Australian Property Institute’s Townsville Discussion Group, serving in this role for three terms and in 2016 completed Townsville Enterprise’s Emerging Leader Program.
Formal Qualifications
- Bachelor of Arts – Monash University 2001
- Graduate Diploma (Property Valuation) – Melbourne University 2007
- Associate Member of the Australian Property Institute
- Certified Practising Valuer (API No.67059)
- Registered Valuer Qld (QVRB No: 3188)

Oliver Evans
Areas of Expertise
- Residential property valuations
- Rural lifestyle property valuations
- Rural valuations
- Valuations for family law purposes
- Valuations for mortgage security purposes
- Valuations for mortgagee in possession purposes
- Pre-purchase / Pre-sale advice
Industry Experience
Oliver has over 7 years of experience as a valuer and has been employed by Opteon since January 2014. Prior to Opteon, Oliver spent 12 months as a graduate valuer at the Brimbank City Council.
Oliver has a strong working knowledge of the local area completing a large number of valuations of Residential and Rural properties across multiple municipalities mainly specialising in the northern and western suburbs of Melbourne.
Formal Qualifications
- Certified Practising Valuer
- Associate Member of the Australian Property Institute
- Bachelor of Applied Science (Property and Valuation)

Quentin Rataj
Areas of Expertise
- Residential property valuations
- Rural lifestyle/hobby farm valuations
- Valuations for mortgage security purposes
- Valuations for pre-purchase / pre-sale advice
- Asset valuations for financial reporting purposes
- Rental valuations
Industry Experience
Quentin has been working as a Residential Property Valuer since 2010 and has worked across a number of different departments providing a broad knowledge of the entire valuation process. He is considered a residential property expert and currently provides large volume valuations of residential property along the Sunshine Coast of Queensland and up to and including the Gympie region. Quentin is the local Prestige/High End valuer for residential properties in this region as well.
Formal Qualifications
- Associate Member of the Australian Property Institute (API Member No. 72902)
- Certified Practising Valuer
- Bachelor of Property – CQU University
- QLD Registered Valuer (QVRB No: 4064MR)

Tadgh O'Brien
Areas of Expertise
- Mixed Farming Valuations
- Broadacre Dryland Valuations
- Broadacre Irrigation Valuations
- Rural Lifestyle Valuations
- Valuations for mortgage security purposes
- Valuations for pre-purchase/pre-sale advice purposes
- Valuations for market value
Industry Experience
Tadgh commenced his career in the valuation industry in 2019, working primarily in agribusiness in the Central West of New South Wales. Tadgh has been exposed to a variety of asset classes including agribusiness, commercial and residential property. This work has primarily been in the mortgagee space with exposure to Just Terms and Family Law work. This work has been for a variety of clients from individuals to government and ASX listed corporations.
Tadgh commenced with Opteon based in the Dubbo office in 2021. In this time Tadgh has specialised in agribusiness valuations servicing a broad area of New South Wales. Tadgh undertakes valuations of a variety of agricultural properties such as pastoral grazing, broadacre mixed farming, wind farms and broadacre irrigation.
Tadgh has a wide network of industry contacts, while being involved in a family operated grazing operation in Southwest Queensland and a mixed farming operation in the Central West of New South Wales.
Tadgh is an associate member of the Australian Property Institute and is a registered panel valuer with the majority of financial institutions operating within Australia.
Formal Qualifications
- Associate Member of the Australian Property Institute (API Member No. 106439)
- Certified Practising Valuer
- Graduate Diploma of Property - Deakin University
- Bachelor of Business - University of New England

Tim Pegler
Areas of Expertise
- Rural & Agribusiness property valuations
- Valuations for mortgage security purposes
- Valuations for pre-purchase / pre-sale advice purposes
- Asset valuations for financial reporting purposes
Industry Experience
Tim is a Senior Valuer in the Commercial & Agribusiness division of Opteon (Western Australia) specialising in broadacre farming in the Northern and Eastern Wheatbelt. Tim has been at Opteon since 2019. Prior to becoming an Agribusiness Valuer, Tim had a broad range of experience in primary production and associated fields in Australia and overseas including broadacre farming, forestry, viticulture, mycology and fertiliser.
Tim undertakes mortgage security valuations for lending institutions and consulting advice for a number of Australian and International corporate farming entities that operate in the Western Australia. This includes pre-purchase/pre-sale advice and valuations for financial reporting and asset management purposes.
Formal Qualifications
- Certified Practising Valuer
- Associate Member of the Australian Property Institute (API Member No. 85950)
- Licensed Valuer in the State of Western Australia, License No. 45047
- Bachelor of Commerce (Property) – Curtin University (2009)

Wendy Walsh
Areas of Expertise
- Agribusiness, Rural Lifestyle, Biodiversity, Heritage, Conservation
- Banking and Finance
- Matrimonial, Probate and Family Law
- Advisory Services (Prepurchase and Presale)
- Taxation (Stamp Duty, Capital Gains & GST)
- Replacement Insurance Value Assessments
- Tax Depreciation Schedules
Industry Experience
Wendy joined the Opteon team in 2015 leading business development, strategy and planning, marketing, communications, and client services for the Opteon franchise at Batemans Bay. Now employed by the National Group she undertakes valuations for the Specialised & Advisory team, and also the Commercial and Residential sectors. Wendy leads Agribusiness, Rural Lifestyle and Government valuation work in the Shoalhaven, Eurobodalla, Bega Valley & Snowy Monaro regions.
Wendy has more than 25 years corporate experience and prior to joining the property industry Wendy held various roles in the environment sector. She worked for government environmental compliance, as a technical advisor for waste law and policy, and led community behaviour change programs. Wendy has worked for the Environment Minister and Executive Director as the departmental liaison officer.
Her professional interests are providing expert quality valuation reports and building strong client relationships. She has lived on the NSW South Coast for more than 15 years. Special interests include rural land management, natural resource conservation, pasture improvement and livestock production in the Snowy Monaro and Bega Valley.
Formal Qualifications
- Associate Member of the Australian Property Institute (API Member No. 102767)
- Certified Practising Valuer
- Diploma of Property, Deakin University
- Editing & Proofreading, Thompson Education
- Environmental Auditor ISO 14001, RABQSA Int.
- Post Grad Cert in Environmental Management, Macquarie University
- Bachelor of Environmental Science Degree (Honours), Monash University
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