Opteon Expands Partnership with Forbury to enhance Commercial Reports
Press Release
In 2021, Opteon revolutionised the market by meeting demand for accurate, fast and easy to understand valuations across the sub $5m commercial property asset classes. The solution was the Core Commercial Report, a tech-enabled report that provides banks with a succinct summary of the key risks and metrics up-front. The report has reduced turnaround times to five days in metro areas, reduced post-valuation enquiries by 4%, and increased report preparation efficiency by 20% – 30%.
Building on this success, Opteon has just expanded its long-term partnership with valuation software company, Forbury, to increase efficiencies and effectiveness in preparing commercial reports for complex specialist valuations.
The expanded partnership now provides a secure, cloud-based connection between Forbury’s commercial and retail products, which use a cloud-based SaaS calculation engine to offer deeper insights into the values of assets, and Opteon’s Valuation Management System (VMS).
Opteon’s valuers use the VMS to manage the end-to-end valuation process seamlessly in one place. Now, with linked access to data generated by Forbury’s SaaS engine, they can also readily produce complex reports for $10m+ commercial assets, such as shopping centres, office buildings and high value industrial assets. These can involve single or multiple tenancies.
“Opteon has been providing cutting-edge systems and valuation data solutions to the property industry for more than 10 years. This latest investment into prop tech in the commercial space is going to transform our specialist valuers’ ability to produce insightful, complex reports quickly,” said Dan Hill, Opteon’s Senior Director- Specialist Real Estate.
“This expanded partnership is good news for our clients, as well as our team. With the press of a button valuation outputs from Forbury are directly transferred into our complex commercial reports, so our highly skilled specialist valuers can now spend more of their time providing advice and commercial solutions to our clients, rather than manually inputting data. We want our valuers valuing, not word processing!” Dan added.
“Opteon are at the frontier of what is possible for commercial valuers, both in terms of workflow design and generative reporting. We are excited to be extending our partnership by supporting Opteon with the technology to turbocharge their team of specialist valuers.” said Scott Willson, CEO of Forbury.
About the tech
Opteon’s Valuation Management System
The Valuation Management System (VMS) is Opteon’s proprietary tech platform, which supercharges Opteon’s business by delivering speed, efficiency and quality outcomes to the 500+ Opteon people who use it.
Opteon’s VMS also provides customer connectivity, creating system-to-system integrated channels with lenders by plumbing straight into third party and bank systems using industry standard protocols.
Forbury Commercial
Forbury Commercial provides an integrated assessment of value using capitalisation of net income, discounted cashflow and direct comparison methods of valuation. It can be used to:
• assess acquisition and divestment opportunities
• undertake property valuations for mortgage and other reporting purposes
• provide project valuation forecasts
• provide leasing scenario analysis
• prepare cashflow budgeting / forecasting (up to 20-year cashflows by month, 10-year rolling discounted cashflow)
Forbury Retail
Forbury Retail draws on detailed information on each space within a shopping centre. Using inputs from a variety of critical elements, the software provides industry-leading modelling to inform property valuations, project valuation forecasts, acquisition and divestment opportunities, cashflow budgeting and forecasting, and leasing scenario analyses. It also assesses tenancy performance by major tenant and individual trade categories.

Dan Hill
Dan started his valuation career valuing residential property, before moving to the Commercial Division of Opteon (Western Australia) in 2009. In 2014, Dan became a Director and Equity Partner of Opteon (Western Australia), the firm’s youngest-ever equity partner. In conjunction with six other partners, he was responsible for managing 65 staff, ensuring business plan and budget targets were met in areas including staff management, business development and financial analysis.
In 2017, following Opteon’s national integration, Dan was appointed Regional Director – Commercial and Agriculture, leading a team of 25 valuers across Western Australia.
He prepares valuation reports for key clients for finance purposes, acquisition and disposal, negotiation and strategic advice, as well as managing the day-to-day activities of his team, and their ongoing training and development.
Daniel is committed to his own professional excellence and that of his team.
Dan can be contacted on 0418 487 373.
This material is produced by Opteon Property Group Pty Ltd. It is intended to provide general information in summary form on valuation related topics, current at the time of first publication. The contents do not constitute advice and should not be relied upon as such. Formal advice should be sought in particular matters. Opteon’s valuers are qualified, experienced and certified to provide market value valuations of your property. Opteon does not provide accounting, specialist tax, investment or financial advice.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.