New research shows the property industry is Australia’s largest

New research from the Property Council and global economic consultancy AEC Group has found the property industry is Australia’s largest industry and the biggest generator of jobs.
“It’s amazing to think we are a part of a nearly $203 billion industry, and collectively, the nation’s biggest employer,” Opteon CEO Chris Knight said.
“We’re at a very exciting time in Opteon’s evolution, and it’s great to see not only our own company growth, but that of the larger property industry, and the contribution we are making to the nation’s economy.”
Highlights from the Property Council of Australia’s research include:
- More than 1 in 4 people derive their wage from the property industry directly or indirectly
- 4 million Australians work in property
- The property industry employs more people than mining and manufacturing combined
- 8 million Australians have a financial stake in property through their super fund
- The property industry makes up 13% of Australian GDP
“At Opteon, we are constantly expanding our services as property opportunities grow, such as moving into providing valuations for Self-Managed Super Funds property assets. Over 14 million Australians have a financial stake in property through their super fund, and up to 15 per cent of SMSFs do too. We’re proud to part of an industry that has such a broad impact on the nation, now, and into the future.”
For more information on the Property Council and their new campaign & industry research, check out Property Council of Australia.