In the Spotlight: Tadgh O'Brien

When we say Opteon valuers live and work in the regions they service regularly, we mean it.
Tadgh is an agribusiness/rural specialist and Certified Practising Valuer servicing central and western New South Wales. He undertakes a broad range of valuation types and asset classes throughout New South Wales with a focus on rural property.
Born and raised on a grazing property, Tadgh has worked on everything from pastoral grazing to more intensive broadacre irrigation and livestock backgrounding operations.
Based in the central west of New South Wales, he applies his lifetime of experience in agriculture and background in Agri-finance to valuations. Having an understanding of both the lenders and farmers perspectives, coupled with his valuation qualifications, customers trust him to provide comprehensive agricultural valuation services.
Areas of Expertise
- Mixed Farming Valuations
- Broadacre Dryland & Irrigation Valuations
- Rural Lifestyle Valuations
- Valuations for mortgage security purposes
- Valuations for pre-purchase/pre-sale advice purposes
- Valuations for market value
Formal Qualifications
- Associate Member of the Australian Property Institute (API Member No. 106439)
- Certified Practising Valuer
- Graduate Diploma of Property - Deakin University
- Bachelor of Business - University of New England
This material is produced by Opteon Property Group Pty Ltd. It is intended to provide general information in summary form on valuation related topics, current at the time of first publication. The contents do not constitute advice and should not be relied upon as such. Formal advice should be sought in particular matters. Opteon’s valuers are qualified, experienced and certified to provide market value valuations of your property. Opteon does not provide accounting, specialist tax, investment or financial advice.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.